WashTrack is an RFID Tracking System developed exclusively by R.J. Hanlon Company to provide customers the opportunity to measure expenditures and ROI definitively, in real-time. The system combines custom robot covers, personal apparel, and other products with RFID Technology and a custom software tracking solution.
WashTrack Robot CoverA small RFID chip is embedded into the garments using the WashTrack system enabling the customer to know the exact history and current status of each individual item in real-time.
Trackability and Accountability are critical – RFID tracking holds the supplier accountable for the quality of new product and the laundry company for the quality of their wash program.
RFID tracking enables you to measure the quality and ROI of your program in real-time.
Why a Need for RFID?
- An new opportunity to standardize processes and demonstrate ROI.
- Define the exact number of times lint-free garments, covers, paint suits, hats, gloves, and wipers process through wash cycles.
- Previous attempts with bar coding have not maintained durability.
RFID provides accountability for Manufacture, Laundry Provider, and Customer Process Control:
- Conclusively identify quality of garments from manufacturer.
- Every cover and garment have a unique identifier.
- All items sent to laundry are scanned on arrival by qualified providers tracking each new wash cycle.
- Each scan is added to the customer database history tracking the number of times a garment is processed.
- Customer has access to cover and garment history conclusively identifying the number of wash cycles.
- Custom schedules can be determined for each client to remove covers and garments that have reached end of service life.
Case Study Example Illustrating RFID Process
- A client determines a robot cover in the basecoat process seems to begin to impact quality after 10 wash cycles.
- After 10 wash cycles the fibers begin to loosen due to the repeated wash cycles.
- With RFID, specific covers and garments can be identified as reaching the10 cycle limit and can be sent for proper disposal.
Handheld scanning devices and the customer
- Handheld scanning devices bring new levels of precision to process quality control.
- Customers can track the quality of the manufacturer by conclusively identifying each and every cover or garment purchased.
- Customers can track the quality of the laundry processing by conclusively identifying each and every cover or garment sent to laundry provider.
Waste Cost Reduction
- Previously there has not been a suitable alternative for tracking covers and garments in need of disposal until problems occurred.
- RFID enables the right covers to be identified for disposal.
- Covers in need of disposal can be specifically identified and sent for a final laundry cycle to prepare for regular disposal rather than paint soaked hazardous waste.
Numbers Behind the Waste
- Covers and garments covered in paint must be disposed as hazardous waste.
- A 55 gallon drum of “hazardous waste” class disposal costs on average $450-500.
- An average wash cycle for garments costs only $100.
- Ability to dispose of garments as regular waste rather than hazardous waste saves considerable resources.
Take Ownership of your Quality Programs
You can measure your expenditures and ROI definitively, and in real time. This new RFID technology let’s you know the entire service life history of a particular custom robot cover which helps to identify those covers reaching service life limits and in need of replacement.
Every Custom Robot Cover with RFID Technology produced by R.J. Hanlon has a unique identifier chip woven into the cover. This unique chip is scanned at the R.J. Hanlon production facility during fabrication before being sent to the client which starts the tracking process.
This unique chip is also scanned before every wash cycle for launderable custom robot coverings at equipped facilities which produces an ongoing service record history for each individual custom robot covering.
With a complete service history record you can now cycle out older custom robot covers and replace them with new before problems occur. There is no more guessing which robot covers should be replaced because every robot cover is unique and identifiable.
Strive to eliminate costly rework with pinpoint accuracy using R.J. Hanlon Robot Covers with RFID Technology.